Did Jim Gray’s Decision To Move Halloween Just Cost Him The Mayoral Election?

By: Harold Leeder

October 29, 2018

With Election Day just a little more than a week away, the entire city of Lexington was shocked this morning to hear Former Vice Mayor Jim Gray announce he would be moving the city’s “Trick-Or-Treating” night to tomorrow instead of Wednesday. Democrats across the country are weighing in on the decision and wonder why Gray would take such a bold stance on such a controversial issue. With this one hasty and hardline decision to reschedule the city’s Halloween plans, Gray’s House of Cards may have finally toppled over.

The announcement rang out to the city from Gray’s Facebook page, but many are pointing their fingers at Gray’s backers. “Why are we changing trick-or-treating because of the rain? I’m more worried about the fact that Gray has handed over the reins to the likes of Chris Bailey and Bill Meck. I mean, what will those two do with all that power?” asked former Mayoral candidate Ike Lawrence. “Don’t let the government tell you when you can celebrate Halloween, just let the calendar do its job.”

With less than 1% polled planning to vote for Gray in the upcoming mayoral race, recent polls are no longer even showing Gray as a potential winner, and one has to wonder if this was the final straw. “The scarecrow has fallen, the scarecrow has fallen,” shouted Congressman Andy Barr at a rally this morning. Barr was addressing supporters at a Halloween luncheon fundraiser where he was dressed in his MAGA-Man costume, which consisted of a lifelike full bodied Mega Man suit with a Make America Great Again hat stapled to the helmet.