New Circle Circular Announces New Minor League Newspaper

By: Harold Leeder

April 1, 2022

The New Circle Circular (NCC) announced today from Alan Cutler’s yoga studio that the city of Lexington has been awarded another newspaper expansion franchise. The new minor league newspaper affiliate is majority-owned by Leeder Construction and is slated to kick off its inaugural press season in 2023.

New Circle Circular is not only announcing the new paper today, but we’re also revealing its new name and crest design, because that’s what makes it real. The Minor League Newspaper will be named The New Fircle Tircular, and its subscription service will be part of the Lexington Newspaper Club (Lexington N.C.). Its logo and webpage was designed by renowned nephew, and kid who knows computers real good, Kyle Leeder. The emblem features some vibrant green stuff with some more dark green things in the background, like a horse and stuff. “We chose green, because honestly let’s just have one thing around here that doesn’t have blue on it,” said my nephew to me in a text message. When my phone finished charging up, I replied, “Sounds good bub. -HL”.

The name was chosen with the future in mind. “Not only is this newspaper gonna hit your door every morning and drip hot goss all over your welcome mat (that has a crudely drawn outline of Kentucky and says ‘No place like home’ on it)… But unlike major fake newspapers this one is gonna make you money somehow! Because New Fircle Tircular is an NFT, because it says so right there in the name. We’ll figure out the details on how that makes money later, once I watch enough TikTok How-To videos and learn how to make a Discord,” texted Kyle a little later, which took me a while to read because my font is so big, and because I don’t know what either of those things are.

Honestly, I like our chances at success with this endeavor as surely any city that can support 4 Rally’s locations can support a major and minor league newspaper from the same family. However, this isn’t just a minor league fake newspaper. It’s a planned community experience. My wonderful nephew Kyle has a whole bunch of stuff planned, even contingencies. Kyle claims, “on days when we can’t think of stuff to write about, we’ll host some sort of fun, family-friendly, wacky marketing-based activity. Stuff like, “haggle over the price of a hotdog night”, or everyone’s favorite game, “is this a newspaper or is it cake” to keep the community engaged.”

There will be multiple subscription packages available next year, as you’ll be able to have the newspaper delivered by us via our Lexington N.C. service, or for a lot more money you can have Doordash deliver it. To subscribe to most newspapers, you have to be hounded as you walk in the door of a Kroger. Details for our subscription services are still being finalized at press time. However subscription spots are limited, so in the meantime click here to make a $25 deposit to secure your subscription for 2023.

Invest in New Fircle Tircular and get rich somehow!

Introverted Ownership Group To Rebrand Bar As Parlay Anti-Social

By: Harold Leeder

March 4, 2020

This article is free, but some future articles won’t be as we finally found a paywall that won’t let you go around it via incognito mode.

Lexington’s nightlife is about to get a whole new attitude, as a new concept bar will begrudgingly open its doors at the old Short Street Parlay Social location. Rebranded as Parlay Anti-Social, owners promise our city will finally have an exciting new bar for people who hate people but love bars.

Parlay Anti-Social looks to become Lexington’s first nightlife destination that owners hope customers will love to ignore.

Ownership announced the concept via text message after I had called them all afternoon and were happy to announce that they may or may not have live music. “I’m not sure yet if we’ll have bands play; if we do, we don’t want anyone to play that may bring in a crowd. We don’t want a line out the door or anything, what we really want is for people to walk by and wonder if we’re open yet.”

“We could put on a movie or something I guess,” said another person we interviewed who we’re pretty sure was either the general manager or just a customer, but we weren’t sure because that’s all they said.

Parlay Anti-Social promises to provide a community to those not interested in one, and ultimately do something that no one else has done here or anywhere else. Which is provide an opportunity for introverts to finally get exposed to the coronavirus.

“It’s basically an IRL subreddit” said another guy whose name we didn’t get because he mumbled it and wouldn’t make eye contact. “I’m cool with coming here as long as it doesn’t turn into 4 chan, or Applebee’s”

McConnell Files Complaint With FAA Over Amy McGrath’s Ability To Fly During Senate Campaign

By: Harold Leeder

November 7, 2019

Within the span of two days, a second potential challenger to Mitch McConnell has found themselves unable to go over the air.

With a congressional impeachment currently ongoing there isn’t really much for the leader of the Senate to do right now, but Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has found a new way to fill his time. He’s finally found time for one of his favorite activities, complaining about other people.

“I’m a rich white man, so it is in my blood to want to complain and wag my finger at others while paying no attention to my own words and the hypocrisy I create,” McConnell said via a staffer even though we were standing right there and could hear McConnell tell the staffer to tell us that.

“My hands are pretty tied right now, which is why I have this twerp taking dictation,” said McConnell via an aide with a doctorate in game theory from M.I.T.

“I mean, would you find it fair?” asked one of McConnell’s staffers who told us his name but he was so boring we forgot to write it down. “Would you find it fair that one candidate can zip through the clouds, land and walk around in aviator sunglasses while the other candidate’s face is too flat to support anything other than these paper-thin clear John Lennon glasses?”

McConnell continued, “this is just doing what’s fair. For instance, would it be fair for Superman to fight another superhero and use his power of flight when his opponent, say an out of shape, octogenarian ninja turtle, wasn’t allowed to fly?”

“How about we Free Mitch McConnell ever think of that?!” asked McConnell as he continued to follow us to the cafeteria even though he said he didn’t care about us.

“I think that’s exactly what we’re trying to do sir,” said Jones, McGrath, and Adkins before continuing to eat their chicken wings with alleged Governor Andy Beshear.

LEX18 Not Sure Which Viewers To Alienate Next

By: Harold Leeder

August 16, 2019

LEX18, the Lexington real news station that employs one minority anchor and took a stand on racial injustice by firing Lee Cruse, announced today that it would be permanently removing Matt Jones from the show he created, Hey Kentucky, for an equally offensive act of speaking ill against Republican Senator Mitch McConnell.

The move follows a string of departures from the station that have alienated pretty much every type of audience member we can think of, leaving many people to wonder what viewers LEX18 might try to alienate next.

“We figure we might be able to alienate some of Bill Meck’s viewers, and maybe some of the people who think Alan Cutler still works here, but after that it’s slim pickings,” LEX18 said in a press release. “I mean, Kevin Christopher is a great guy, but he’s probably only pulling in friends and relatives at this point.”

Amy McGrath’s Morning Oatmeal, a morning show where McGrath just made extended eye contact with the audience while slurping oatmeal, has been preemptively cancelled.

Did Jim Gray’s Decision To Move Halloween Just Cost Him The Mayoral Election?

By: Harold Leeder

October 29, 2018

With Election Day just a little more than a week away, the entire city of Lexington was shocked this morning to hear Former Vice Mayor Jim Gray announce he would be moving the city’s “Trick-Or-Treating” night to tomorrow instead of Wednesday. Democrats across the country are weighing in on the decision and wonder why Gray would take such a bold stance on such a controversial issue. With this one hasty and hardline decision to reschedule the city’s Halloween plans, Gray’s House of Cards may have finally toppled over.

The announcement rang out to the city from Gray’s Facebook page, but many are pointing their fingers at Gray’s backers. “Why are we changing trick-or-treating because of the rain? I’m more worried about the fact that Gray has handed over the reins to the likes of Chris Bailey and Bill Meck. I mean, what will those two do with all that power?” asked former Mayoral candidate Ike Lawrence. “Don’t let the government tell you when you can celebrate Halloween, just let the calendar do its job.”

With less than 1% polled planning to vote for Gray in the upcoming mayoral race, recent polls are no longer even showing Gray as a potential winner, and one has to wonder if this was the final straw. “The scarecrow has fallen, the scarecrow has fallen,” shouted Congressman Andy Barr at a rally this morning. Barr was addressing supporters at a Halloween luncheon fundraiser where he was dressed in his MAGA-Man costume, which consisted of a lifelike full bodied Mega Man suit with a Make America Great Again hat stapled to the helmet.

Awkward! Andy Barr And Amy McGrath Just Ran Into Each Other At SuperCuts

By: Harold Leeder

September 7, 2018

Amy McGrath found herself behind enemy lines once again on Thursday when she walked into the Regency Center Supercuts for her monthly trim and shampoo.

McGrath, a Lieutenant Colonel, and first Thursday regular noticed an unfamiliar face getting a trim and Supercuts special gray-blending service. “Walk-ins are welcome, but not flyovers,” Andy Barr said over his hair-covered shoulder.

For future former Congressman Barr, it was his first trip to the supercuts in Regency Center, and potentially his first haircut in Kentucky in the last 10 years. “I tried going to Fantastic Sams, but they won’t turn on The View no matter how many times I asked,” said Barr, “and I need my daily dose of Whoopsi.”

Alexander Miles, McGrath’s regular Supercuts stylist, seated the former fighter pilot across the aisle from Barr as she laughed, “Fantastic Sams? Maybe Pretty Good Sams, but a congressperson should always look their best.”

Miles laughed as McGrath pointed to the wall at which haircut that she wanted and said, “Bet ol’ Andy wishes he could get this one, but his chances are getting THINNER.”

Afterward, the two sat quietly through the awkward setting, yet both received spectacular service and gorgeous haircuts.

McGrath was the first to finish and after making a big show of a healthy 4 dollar tip for her stylist, she decided to try and prove her mettle to Barr by taking a swig of some of Miles’ barbicide. As she walked by a still-seated Barr, she whispered: “Go Big Blue” through the tonic’s burn.

Once McGrath and her staff left, Barr insisted that his barber rewash his hair with “that shampoo that gave women orgasms in the 90s.”

UPDATE: The encounter became even more awkward when, 20 minutes after Barr’s hairstyling experience ended, the two congressional candidates bumped into each other all over again just a few doors down from the Supercuts.

Upon discovering they’re both Maxxinistas, McGrath ran a switchblade comb through her new hairdo and said, “If there’s one thing we can agree on, it’s how to look terrific.”

Rabid Bat Found In Chevy Chase Neighborhood Is A Regular At Best Friend Bar

By: Harold Leeder

September 6, 2018

Residents in Chevy Chase were alarmed to learn that a bat found in their neighborhood had tested positive for rabies. The description of the rabies infected bat invoked terror in some but others noticed a familiar face.

“Ross!” says Best Friend Bar constant Eddie Cullen. “Ross is metal as (expletive) dude! He’s here four nights a week. He held my hair the night Lemmy died. If this place was Cheers he’d be Kramer.”

Best Friend Bar, BFB, has gained the reputation of having the most Denim Vests in the Woodland area on any given night. It’s become a magnet for moped mechanics and people most likely to try and convince you the movie Predator was real.

Examiners at the Health Department first started tracing the bat, now known as Ross, to BFB after noticing an abnormal reaction to the Thin Lizzy classic “The Boys are Back in Town”. The song just happened to be playing on the radio in the lab. Ross raised a single wing and started banging its head to the song.

Gone were Ross’s normal cravings for mangoes and blood. It was seemingly addicted to shots of Fireball and Speedway sandwiches.

“Sounds just like Ross dude,” explained Cullen, as he stared off into a spot in the room that must have stored some really chill memory. “We were just here the other night, and after the bar closed we went back to my place and watched the Blade Trilogy, The Fifth Element, all the Lord of the Rings, John Wick, some clips from Storage Wars, a Youtube video about Japanese Pro wrestling and a documentary on wormholes. Look at this though,” Cullen pointed to two puncture wounds on his throat, “Ross saved my life. I was choking on a chicken biscuit.”

While the Red Cross claims they don’t train bats to perform CPR, the evidence was there as plain as the scars on Cullens neck.

Despite the lack of alarm for BFB patrons, the Fayette County Health Department is currently overviewing quarantine procedures. They recommend anyone with the sudden urge to “Rage” contact them immediately.

Beshears To Audition For Spot On Family Feud

By: Harold Leeder

August 31, 2018

Family Feud auditions are coming to Louisville on September 22nd and several families even more dysfunctional than yours intend to try out for the game show. We have exclusive access to the signup list.

Former Governor Steve Beshear and Future Non-Governor Andy Beshear were among the first to apply. They are apparently training hard for the audition by polling people on the street for practice.

Andy Beshear’s Gubernatorial campaign team tried to convince the candidate that his time would be better spent cultivating some sort of personality instead of asking people what you might find in a kitchen cabinet. But they were overruled, much like Beshear usually is in court.

Steve Beshear has hired a consulting firm to help him come up with a funny way to mention to Family Feud host Steve Harvey that they have the same first name and fashion sense. Also, the elder Beshear plans to tell Harvey a couple jokes that he can use in his little skits.

Other families planning to audition for the game show include the Nelsons, a reconciliated Hatfield & McCoy faction, and local television star Lee Cruse and his far less famous brother Tom.

Malibu Jack’s And Malibu Jill’s Went Up The Hill

By: Harold Leeder

August 21, 2018

Indoor theme park and perennial May-December date destination Malibu Jack’s moved locations yesterday to be on the hill with its sister park Malibu Jill’s. Unfortunately, Malibu Jack’s came tumbling down after.

Multiple attractions and at least one pimply faced assistant manager were injured.

“I didn’t want to go up the hill in the first place,” said Todd Popper, his Snapchating arm in a sling. “But the CEO thought it would be cute. Now I need to huff this helium even more than ever.” A group of children patiently waited for him to tie one (balloon animal) on. “Wait,” he said, “This just changes your voice. Where’s all the glow paint at?”

Employees scrambled today to get everything back in order after the fall. The mini golf course and the bowling lanes landed on one another. Enterprising golf greenskeeper Carl Spackler came up with a novel solution. “We just invented a new sport. Bowling golf balls. You just roll a golf ball down the lane really, really hard. So far, one person has almost tipped a pin over.”

Forty-two-year-old record store employee and Malibu Jack’s regular Nick Beard said he still supported the business even in its current Humpty Dumpty-like condition. “I’m not about to go to Malibu Jill’s,” he said. “That’s for girls. Now excuse me while I try to grab this plush unicorn.” He spent the next thirty minutes with his arm up the slot of an arcade claw machine.

Democrats Hope To 3D Print A Candidate That Won’t Self-Destruct At Fancy Farm

By: Harold Leeder

August 3, 2018

As the dispute over the legality of 3D printed political candidates ramps up across the nation, Kentucky Democrats hope to create a viable one before lawmakers outlaw the practice altogether.

Previous Fancy Farm no-show Matt Bevin spoke to us over Facebook live about the threat of 3D printed gubernatorial candidates, “While from a legal standpoint creating plastic untraceable political candidates could be dangerous, the candidates Kentucky Democrats have been creating, are flimsy and often blow up before leadership can even try to use them. So I wouldn’t pay much mind. The real enemies our state is facing are our public servants.”

A leading Kentucky Democrat, Elliot Alderson, believed the 3D printed candidates had a lot of promise. “These candidates have as much charisma as our past candidates but, these candidates can’t send emails. Win, win!” Alderson continued, “Remember when Jack Conway ran for governor? No? I’m beginning to think that no one does and that’s the problem.”

While Fancy Farm sounds like someone from Western Kentucky is describing a technology center, it’s actually just someplace most of us will never go to unless a bunch of food trucks all decide to show up on the same weekend. However, we recently learned that all Kentucky politicians pick a weekend to leave their homes in Connecticut and Washington DC and come to Fancy Farm to give speeches about stumps or something, and then lay out the blueprint for their upcoming political races.

Democrats have a lot at stake in the upcoming elections and so far have made headlines with primary winners that feature candidates ranging from one with an overturned sexual abuse conviction and another that took out an ad just to explain how racist he is. So leadership has turned to technology to create a candidate that won’t fall apart and plan to showcase them this weekend.