Winchester’s Beer Cheese Festival Has Many Saying “I Wish This Event Wasn’t In Winchester”

By: Harold Leeder

June 9, 2017

For the 9th year in a row, the finest beer cheesemongers from around the world will come to beautiful downtown Lexington for food, drinks, and fun, then the next morning, they will reluctantly drive to Winchester. These aficionados of the two most important food groups will unhappily leave civilization, to head to what we can only assume is the only paved road in Clark County, “Main Street”, for the Winchester Beer Cheese Festival.

This festival, a whimsical celebration of both beer and cheese, should be enough to bring people from all over the commonwealth, as nothing is more truly Kentuckian than eating a large amount of cheese in direct sunlight on one of the most humid days of the year. However, the event is often missed by many because it takes place in Winchester.

“No man, there’s nothing I love more than beer cheese,” said almost everyone we talked to, “but Winchester? I don’t wanna drive all the way out there on a Saturday. Let me know when they have this on Southland Dr.”

Sadly, this wonderful event won’t take place on Southland or any other location that you’ve been dragged to by your wife for some sort of farmers market, as beer cheese itself was first created in Clark County, and unfortunately they’re making you drive all the way out there to remind of you of that.