Sanitation Workers To Film Hip-Hop Dance PSA Called You Got LexServ’d

By: Harold Leeder

July 19, 2016

In an effort to better educate Lexington residents on the services they provide, sanitation workers decided to step up this week and announce a series of hip-hop dance PSA’s titled You Got LexServ’d. The videos aim to bring awareness to proper trash separation guidelines while also showcasing the sick dance moves of LexServ employee Rico and his crew The Trash Talkaz.

“We just want people to start putting their garbage and recycling in the appropriate containers,” said Rico. “I know it seems like Tops In Lex Magazine should go in the blue recycling bin, but since it’s not a real magazine it should actually just go in the trash can. Also, just because the Yellow Pages go straight from your yard to the garbage, they shouldn’t go in the yard waste bin. Also, why do they still make the Yellow Pages? Maybe I should dance about that.”

The videos will also inform residents about some of LexServ’s lesser known features, such as its LexCall 311 service. Calling 311 helps you receive information about all things related to garbage collection. An easy way to remember the number is to think of the 90’s band 311 , which was also total garbage. In addition to informing people about 311, the city hopes the videos will help differentiate 311 from other three digit numbers. You’ll never forget 911, but in case you do you can call 411. You call 811 before you dig, ya dig? Finally, you call 711 when you need a Slurpee.

The PSA’s will feature three original songs written specifically for You Got LexServ’d. The songs are “Recycler’s Delight,” “Roll (Your Herbie To The Curb And) Bounce,” and “Stomp The Yard Waste.” If the videos go well, other utility services are expected to  jump on board as well, starting with Kentucky Utilities’ Pay Your Light Bill 2: Electric Boogaloo.