Rod Hatfield Seen Passing Out His Mixtape At Thursday Night Live

By: Harold Leeder

August 12, 2016

Old and white used car salesmen giving away free stuff at Thursday Night Live typically isn’t a rare occurrence. However, last night was a special occasion, as local car dealer Rod Hatfield could be seen navigating the crowd to distribute his mixtape.

The mixtape, which features twelve tracks of incredibly bad vocals and lyrics over top of hit songs that haven’t been popular since before Donald Trump was a legitimate Presidential candidate, is only available in cassette, because every car Rod Hatfield sells still has a tape deck.

“The mixtape got delayed a couple of times while we waited on Robin Thicke to come out with a new hit single, but once that never happened, we figured it was best to just release what we had,” said the mixtape’s producer, the janitor at Z-Rock who happened to answer the phone while the guy who approves commercials was using the bathroom.

Below is the music video for Track 4, “Make Em Say (Good)”
