‘Persist’: CentrePointe Developers Hang Banner From Expensive And Inactive Crane

By: Harold Leeder

January 26, 2017

Persistence usually pays off, but in the case of CentrePointe, persistence has been futile. Regardless, that hasn’t stopped developers from unfurling a massive ‘Persist’ banner from one of the stagnant cranes that’s become a staple of Lexington’s skyline.

After nearly nine years of no progress, developers insist that they’ve finally begun real work on the project and they aren’t just driving trucks around. A massive parking garage is expected to be completed in May, and the structure should be available for public use a very quick year later. (No, seriously. It’s going to take an entire year before people can actually park at CentrePointe.)

The banner serves as a response to all the citizens of Lexington who just wish the project would finish already.

“Haters are my motivators,” said Dudley Webb.