Micah Harris Makes The Mistake Of Googling Golden Shower From His Work Computer

By: Harold Leeder

January 11, 2017

Micah Harris is without his computer this morning. Harris, after seeing some tweets about President-Elect Trump, decided to do what he’s done since seventh grade to expand his vocabulary, underline words he doesn’t know and look them up. However, when he entered the term ‘golden shower’ and clicked on the subsequent link WKYT’s IT security proxy blocked Harris’ attempts to access the page and revoked his access to the company’s wireless network.

“I just thought it was some sort of new storm front I hadn’t heard about before,” Harris said. “Winter storms are a goldmine for us here, and I was thinking this type of rain might funnel us into a brand new revenue stream, or heck this just might be where yellow snow comes from?  From now on when I want to impress Barbara Bailey with my big city words, I’ll just use Urban Dictionary.”

“I don’t know what that term means. Is that like a Tuscaloosa tea party?” Rob Bromley asked our uncomfortable reporter. “Back in my day we just called that second base.”