Louisville Courier-Journal Has A Troubled Past

By: Harold Leeder

April 12, 2017

Earlier this week passengers on a southbound TARC bus in Louisville watched in horror as a Tuesday edition of the Louisville Courier-Journal was pulled violently from between some seats and taken off the bus. This particular newspaper wasn’t planning on becoming the news at all, however now that it is, we thought it was our responsibility to dig up as much information about it that was unrelated to the story at hand as we could.

This particular copy has a somewhat precarious past. Our researchers uncovered evidence that this paper had been involved in the murder of a number of flies earlier in the morning. We also found multiple sources that say the saw the newspaper entering the restroom with a large man not hours before being pulled from the bus. Is any of this relevant to the story at hand? No, but it’s still worth publishing right?

We the media have a responsibility to report on all the news relevant to the story, and when that doesn’t work, we have the responsibility of adding unrelated, salacious details of our subject’s past to drive internet traffic to our website.