Latest Paris Heist Actually Just A Dan Cummins Deal

By: Harold Leeder

October 5, 2016

While national media and tabloids were devoting much of their time covering the armed robbery of Kim Kardashian West in Paris, France over the weekend, a heist of another kind took place in Paris, KY on Saturday. Except this heist wasn’t a crime at all, it was actually just another Dan Cummins deal, and like the details of the Kardashian robbery, it also seems too good to be true.

“Sure we can’t actually arrest anybody because no crime was committed,” said a spokesman for the Bourbon County Sheriff’s Department, “but prices this low are downright criminal.”

Despite us not asking, the spokesman for the Sheriff’s office told us one more time exactly how he felt.

“Giving people deals this good ought to be illegal.”

Many Bourbon County residents are calling the latest Dan Cummins deal an inside job or publicity stunt, but Cummins himself swears he can’t keep his business open if he continues to sell cars at prices so low.

“Honestly, I wish it was an actual armed robbery, because at least then I’d be able to claim it as a loss on my insurance,” Cummins said.

We tried to find the person who purchased the car, but we couldn’t track them down since they bought a Buick and no one knows what those look like anymore.