Kim Davis Refuses To Acknowledge Tyson Gay As A Real Olympian

By: Harold Leeder

August 5, 2016

With the Rio Olympics kicking off today, Lexington athletes are giving hometown fans Olympic fever…and hopefully nothing else. Poor conditions for the spectacle are prevalent and range from raw sewage pouring into the bay to Zika virus being all over the place to drunk Europeans who were too wasted to leave after the 2014 World Cup still stumbling around. Despite the fact that organizers can’t tell which constantly burning fire is the Olympic torch, fans are still excited for the event and most folks across the Bluegrass are ready to back their Kentucky natives except for one

Rowan County employee Kim Davis, who obviously understands the sacrifices Olympic athletes make in their daily lives in order to participate at such a high level, as she’s a county clerk, is back in the news after refusing to acknowledge Lexington native Tyson Gay as a real Olympian. “I look at him and see someone who’s just running from their problems and I can’t support him. Especially since he’s running in the 4×100 relay. It’s just not natural for four men to run 100 yards together passing around that cold, hard baton from one man to another.”

While she doesn’t support the 31 year old sprinter, she does sympathize with his current situation. “I can relate to what’s happening in Rio right now. Violence, unfinished structures, that carnival, feces in the water…sounds like Rowan County to me.”

Tyson Gay declined to comment on the report saying he was focusing on the positives. “I’m having a great time and just thrilled to be in Rio hanging out with my fellow Lexingtonian and Olympic fencer Lee Keifer.  I think she’s got a real shot at a medal this year, she’s relaxed and focused and because of the mosquitos, she’s refusing to remove her fencing suit the whole time we’re in Rio.” Gay and Kiefer, were spotted earlier in the day at the rowing qualifiers where a dead body washed up during the race causing lots of commotion. In the end, Germany won the drama filled race. The dead body finished fourth.