Jim Gray Cosplays As Congressman For Comic Con

By: Harold Leeder

March 9, 2018

This weekend nerds will be traveling from as far as Masterson Station all the way downtown to Lexington’s star-studded Comic & Toy Convention for their chance to figure out what comic books several pro wrestlers and Shannon Elizabeth were in. Lexington’s convention center is prepared to be filled with autograph seekers, cosplayers, and confused parents for the next 3 days. One local cosplayer is hoping to make a big impression with vendors and attendees alike.

Jim Gray announced yesterday that he’ll be in attendance all weekend, and plans on dressing up as something he’s always wanted to be ever since he realized he couldn’t be a senator. Gray explained he’ll be in character as The 6th District Congressman. “Steve Kay really wanted us to dress as X-Men and do this whole Vice Mayors of Future Past thing, but I’d much rather be a person that constantly runs for re-election.”

Gray said his costume was standard “closet cosplay” because his closet is filled with pieces that allow him to dress like Jimmy Stewart in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington on a daily basis, anyway.

Outfit aside, Gray has been looking forward to Lexington’s Comic-Con ever since he heard Chuck Norris would be in attendance. “It’s a great opportunity to get some face time with Mr. Norris. If all goes well I’ll get him to endorse me for Congressman, but if not maybe I have an outside shot at being a Texas Ranger. I do walk a lot.”