Jacuzzi Big L Soaks In After Games Just Old Hot Dog Water

By: Harold Leeder

August 25, 2016

As the Lexington Legends get ready to close out another “riveting” season of minor league baseball, several sources have confirmed that there is serious tension brewing between the front office brass and Lexington’s 3rd favorite mascot, Big L. The in-fighting is reportedly tied to Big L’s “off the field” behavior and his post-game clubhouse celebrations taking place in his jacuzzi, which team officials say is filled entirely with old hot dog water.

Some are saying it’s the Legends’ best kept secret, but these parties are starting to spill over into the clubhouse. Literally, Big L has started having so many girls in the jacuzzi at one time, the hot dog water is spilling into the clubhouse, causing both a distraction and damage to the facility and equipment. “He also yells out things like ‘I don’t know about you guys, but these balls are ready to strike!'”, says one anonymous player, “so I can’t bring my wife and kids to the clubhouse anymore.”

Team officials have said that the hot tub was shut down in 2006 due to budget cuts, but that didn’t stop Big L. “He came stumbling back one night after a Thirsty Thursday,” says one anonymous team official, “and loudly mimed for everyone to see that ‘the jacuzzi is back open for business!’ and had filled the whole thing with old hot dog water. We’re not sure if that’s a health code violation, but what goes on in that thing definitely is. Despite the fact that he tells us ‘ain’t none of these broads getting pregnant through this foam suit, bro’ after every home game.”

“I just like soaking my buns in hot dog water,” Big L mimed. “Got the idea from watching Joey Chestnut and Kobayashi dunk buns in hot dog water on the 4th of July. I even add some specials herbs and spices making it my Hot Tub Thyme Machine. However, my favorite thing to add to it is Rosemary*.”

*One team official confirmed just before press release that when Big L says “Rosemary,” he’s referring to, “some hot blonde named Rose and her cute friend, Mary.”