Governor Bevin Still Waiting For President Trump To Accept His LinkedIn Request

By: Harold Leeder

November 29, 2017

Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin is still waiting for President Donald Trump to accept his LinkedIn request. Advisors say the governor is optimistic that the president will eventually remember who Bevin is. “Kim Davis willing,” said press secretary/Facebook Live operator Jared Hinton.

Bevin sent the request over a year ago. He reportedly included his resume, Microsoft Office product key, and Hulu Plus login information as added incentives.

“He’s the president, he’s a busy guy,” said Bevin, as he read through a series of Trump’s late night tweets criticizing college basketball players.

Just then Bevin received an email. “Excuse me,” he said. “This might be it.” But it was only a weekly report showing jobs he may be interested in based on his experience running a bell factory, including other tasks that were only useful in the 1800s such as iron smelting and shoe cobbling.

In related news, Lieutenant Governor Jenean Hampton’s office stated that Vice President Mike Pence immediately accepted her LinkedIn request and now they have quite the Instagram direct message thread going.