Duchess Of Winchester and Duke Of Griffin Gate To Wed At Versailles Castle

By: Harold Leeder

May 18, 2018

Lexington will be hosting its own royal wedding this weekend as early tomorrow morning the Duchess of Winchester, Maggie Stroman, will be wed to the Duke of Griffin Gate, Chad Von Chadwick. The wedding will take place at the historic castle on Versailles Road at roughly 4:30 am on Saturday.

A number of Lexington celebrities are expected to attend the event. The wedding will be performed by the Lexington Castle spokesman Chris Cross. The maid of honor is expected to be Sleep Outfitters employee Abagail Troutman, known to her coworkers as ‘The Queen of Duvets.’ “The royal family loves Abagail’s comforters and duvets. She has made roughly a metric ton of down filled blankets for the family over the years, that’s why they call her Down Ton Abby.”

As is royal family tradition the couple are second cousins, and the Duke of Griffin Gate will be receiving a dowry from the Duchess of Winchester’s family of a one-year supply of Ale-8. However, there may be ulterior motives; with the consolidation between the Winchester and Griffin Gate families the couple’s offspring will be third in line for the Mayorship of Lexington.