Bill Meck Challenges Louisville’s TG Shuck To Ladder Match

By: Harold Leeder

September 16, 2016

In a rivalry that dates back to the very first WeatherMania, Bill Meck and TG Shuck may find themselves battling one more time this weekend. Meck issued the challenge after finding out the meteorologist he sent into exile by defeating him in a previous Loser Leaves Town/Hell In A Supercell Match had resurfaced in Louisville.

Bill Meck feels very good about his chances. He recently defeated the tag team duo known as the Doppler Gangers, comprised of Chris Bailey and Micah ‘Double H’ Harris, and he made easy work of 36’s Jason ‘The Heartbreak Kid’ Myers in a No Holds Bar(ometric pressure)ed Match. Meck draped his two title belts over each shoulder and cut a promo in front of his favorite green screen. “They say it’s not the heat, its the humidity…well you’d better bring a dehumidifier,” a very confident Meck shouted into a microphone held by his manager Lee ‘The Mouth of The South’ Cruse. “Here’s a prediction Shuck, the national weather service will issue a flood warning, for your boots.” He then began making a screeching noise and said “this is a test of the emergency broadcast system.”

Shuck’s video response, filmed in front of the green screen in Louisville that he has to sette for now, stars him yelling threats into a microphone held by his manager Terry ‘Coal’ Meiners. Shuck is seen making many bold predictions including, “Meck is going to be a bit foggy after I rain bows down upon him.” Shuck said his plans for winning included performing his finishing move, the No Shucks Given, and then climbing to the top of the ladder to retrieve the belt. “He calls himself Hurricane Bill, but he’s gonna be downgraded to Tropical Storm Bill by the time I’m done with him,” Shuck shouted. “I’m gonna knock the prevailing wind out of him.” Shuck concluded his tirade by saying “there’s an 80% chance of victory with highs of about 8 feet in the air, or however tall that ladder is.”

The match appears to be set for Saturday night and the undercard is expected to include Stone Cold Steve Butera and Rowdy Robby Bromley.