3-7 Years Later Residents Can’t Remember Where They Were On The Day Of The Bowling Green Massacre

By: Harold Leeder

February 3, 2017

For what is going on several hours now the Library of Congress has concentrated its efforts to collect and preserve the records and memories of the tragedy known as The Bowling Green Massacre. However, they’ve been unable to contact anyone reliable with with any sort of recollection of the events.

One Bowling Green resident spoke with us about that tragic day, that must have occurred somewhere between 2010-2013, “I remember, I was at the supermarket when I heard. Or maybe I was at home watching the news. Hmmmm. I remember they said the terrorists were from Syria and I got concerned because I’d heard of Syria, or maybe it was Iran.”

While some are still mourning, others wonder what the true motivations behind the Massacre could have been. Known Instagram documentarian, Mike Less, explains, “Maybe you all took the blue pill? Or the men in black came in and used that memory pen on you? This is exactly like when Sinbad never made that genie movie. Either way, I remember it like it was yesterday, I heard it on the radio while I was reading the BerenSTEIN bears to my kids.”